Eos 200 V1 – Black, without stone


A jewel of every fireplace stove owner with convincing functions. Enjoy fiery, romantic moments through generously designed panoramic glass. The latest technology is hidden behind a timelessly elegant design. Beneath the large combustion chamber is a wooden compartment with a separate door that fits perfectly into the design.

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Energy classes

Identities: A15-460V1.R00

Execution and equipment
Fireplace body Steel black
Fireplace lining Steel black
Firebox lining Vermiculite
Air regulation Manual
Flue outlet At the top or back
Flue connection Ø150mm
External air supply connection Ø100mm
Dimensions and weights
Height 1360 mm
Width 555 mm
Depth 555 mm
Weight 130 kg
Max. Length of wood 400 mm
Windshield dimensions (HxW) 585x405 mm
Side glass dimensions (HxW) 200 mm/ 300 mm/ 800 mm
Performance data
Nominal power 7 kW
Efficiency 79,27 %
Combustion 2,23 kg/h
Exhaust gas flow 6 g/s
Exhaust gas temperature 366 ° C
Vacuum 12 Pa
Fine dust 31 mg/Nm3
FK 40 12 111