Cumulus V1 – Gray, shelf natural stone, permanently burning fireplace stove


The model of modern classics will fit into any style of space. It shows its virtues through slightly rounded glass with the addition of a wood container under the firebox and a space for storing a cup of tea above the firebox. A high-quality fireplace stove with a nominal power of 7 kW with an affordable price and attractive design adds comfort to your home.

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Energy classes

Identities: AP25-12V10.R00

Performance and equipment
Fireplace body Steel gray
Fireplace lining Steel gray
Firebox lining Vermiculite
Air regulation Automatic
Flue outlet At the top or back
Flue connection Ø150mm
External air supply connection No
Dimensions and weights
Height 1182 mm
Width 550 mm
Depth 492 mm
Weight 112 kg
Max. Length of wood 330 mm
Windshield dimensions (HxW) 450x333 mm
Side glass dimensions (HxW) 200 mm/ 250 mm/ 800 mm
Performance data
Nominal power 7 kW
Efficiency 80,21%
Combustion 2,01 kg/h
Exhaust gas flow 5,84 g/s
Exhaust gas temperature 326 ° C
Vacuum 12 Pa
Fine dust 33 mg/Nm3
DIN EN 13240 BlmSchV: Yes, 2. level